Non-alcoholic spirit substitutes are hot at the moment, and there is a lot of general weirdness to wade through to find something worthy of writing about. This botanical blend from South Africa is made with smoked malt, chocolate, malt, oak, honeybush, vanilla, cassia, impepho (white licorice) and clove. On the nose, the vanilla and the clove stand out, so much so that you’re led to expect something creamy and viscous on the palate. The surprise is that the palate is light and clean, delivering the nose elements with layers of spice, a dash of bitters and a subtle but unmistakeably South African smoky note. I’d say it makes dry January seems somewhat plausible. Sip solo, add ginger ale, or try it as a substitute for elderflower liqueur in a “regular” cocktail. Nicely done! 92
Reviewed by Rich Cook
Brand – Abstinence
Spirit Type – Non-Alcoholic
Other Designation – Epilogue X
Country of Origin – South Africa
ABV – 0%
Bottle Size – 750ml
Price – $35
Score – 92
Date Reviewed – 10/30/2023