Single barrel, small batch – these words are used far too often to illicit a response in consumers who may want something new, and often these terms do not have any meaning pertaining to the spirit. Though not shy from the first sip, Lasso has managed to craft a beautifully balanced high ABV whiskey that is, yes, single barrel and small batch. And here, these words mean something. This is ripe with caramel, toffee, butterscotch, resin, light orange zest, worn leather, delicate cinnamon, light wildflower notes in the background. Yes, the heat is obvious, but that dissipates by the third sip. Generally I’m not a fan of over 100 proof whiskies, but Lasso manages to do what most cannot, bring the heat into context with the whole of the drinking experience, giving you something you were not expecting. Best Whiskey over 50% ABV and a Platinum award winner at the 2024 Critics Challenge International Wine & Spirits Competition. 94
Reviewed by Michael Cervin
Brand – Lasso
Spirit Type – Whiskey
Other Designation – Wheated 6 year
Country of Origin – USA
ABV – 50%
Bottle Size – 750ml
Price – $70
Score – 94
Date Reviewed – 7/29/2024