There’s an initial sweetness to this – no surprise since maple is in the name. Tap 357 was finished with Canadian maple syrup sourced from Quebec. This begins with a blend of 3, 5, and 7-year Canadian rye whiskies that have aged in used bourbon barrels. The blended whisky is then flavored with Grade 1 light maple syrup. There are notes are somewhat lost as the maple flavoring is fairly dominant. Unfortunately, this plays out like a one-trick-pony with the pony being the maple, and the trick being that is doesn’t taste like a rye whisky. Since the sweetness is pervasive, it’s hard to separate the two. If you’re a big maple fan, you might find this appealing, but only if you love maple. The idea is good, however the execution could be better. 88
Reviewed by Michael Cervin
Brand – Tap 357
Spirit Type – Rye Whisky
Other Designation – Maple flavored
Country of Origin – Canada
ABV – 40.5%
Bottle Size – 750ml
Price – $36
Score – 88
Date Reviewed – 8/15/2023