As canned cocktails go, the margarita is probably the most ubiquitous. It’s an easy cocktail to can and put on the shelf for summer parties, and often the quality matters little – it just has to taste like a margarita. And in that regard, this celebrity backed line of ready to drink cocktails generally does a fine job. This one is light, refreshing, full of lime and tequila and translates reasonably well. Of the Ashbourne line, this is the most effective RTD and while not up to snuff with those who prefer a Cadillac margarita, or a premium Tequila, this works well enough without having to mix your own. 90
Reviewed by Michael Cervin
Brand – Thomas Ashbourne
Spirit Type – Margarita
Other Designation – Canned Cocktail
Country of Origin – USA
ABV – 20%
Bottle Size – 200ml
Price – $6
Score – 90
Date Reviewed – 2/29/2024